Maurice Godet Award
In order to honour one of founders of the Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, LaMCoS has instituted the Maurice Godet Award. It is given at every Leeds-Lyon conference held in Lyon to the best paper and presentation by a young researcher.
This year, 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology and Tribochemistry Forum 2013 are merged into "Tribo-Lyon 2013" and all papers submitted to this conference and respecting the above criteria are eligible for the prize.
To be eligible, the criteria are as follows:
• The applicant must be a registered research student or within 3 years of graduation from a research degree.
• The applicant must present the paper at Tribo-Lyon 2013, either orally or as a poster.
• The written paper must be submitted to either of the two journals (Tribology International or the Journal of Engineering Tribology) by July 26th 2013.
• The applicant must notify the conference organisers by email ( of their application for the prize no later than July 26th 2013. The email should contain their full name and affiliation, the title of the paper, list of authors and the journal to which it has been submitted.
• Staff and students of LTDS and LaMCoS are not allowed to apply.
The winner of the Maurice Godet award is Christophe SERVAIS for is paper:
Experimental validation of a thermal model of a LOx flooded ball bearing
Servais Christophe, Bozet Jean-Luc, Université de Liège (Belgium)
Best poster prizes
Approximatively 70 posters have been exposed during the conference and a "poster party" was organized on Wednesday September 4th evening in the aim to encourage fruitful discussions. Prizes have been attributed to the 3 best presented posters as judged by an independent committee, composed of
A. Fabre (ENSAM, France),
W. Habchi (Lebanese American University, Lebanon),
A. Hase(Saitama Institute of Technology, Japan),
K. Kubiak (University of Liverpool, UK),
T. Ma (Tsinghua University, China),
F. Mangolini (University of Pennsylvania, USA),
A. Morina (University of Leeds, UK),
H. Ronkainen (VTT Techn. Res. Center, Finland),
K. Sasaki (Denso Corporation, Japan),
T. Tokoroyama (Nagoya University, Japan)
The winners of the best poster prizes are
1st prize: Sophie LOEHLE for her poster
Effects of iron oxide layers on adsorption mechanism of C18 fatty acid: A computational study
Loehlé Sophie(1), Minfray Clotilde(1), Christine Matta(1), Le Mogne Thierry(1), Martin Jean Michel(1), Iovine Raphaele(2), Obara Yukiko(3), Miura Ryuji(3), Miyamoto Akira(3) 1 - Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (France), 2 - TOTAL (France), 3 - NICHe (Japan)
2nd prize: Petr SPERKA for his poster
Lubricant Rheology Effect on Roughness Behavior in EHL Contacts
Sperka Petr, Krupka Ivan, Hartl Martin, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
3rd prize: Vanessa BELAUD for her poster
Roughness and Wetting, a Multiscale Approach
Belaud Vanessa(1), Bigerelle Maxence(2)(3), Valette Stephane(1), Stremsdoerfer Guy(1), Benayoun Stephane(1) 1 - Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes (France), 2 - Laboratoire de Thermique, des Ecoulements, de Mécanique et Matériaux en Mise en Forme et Production (France), 3 - Laboratoire d'Automatique, de Mécanique et d'Informatique Industrielle et Humaine (France)