Tribochemistry Forum: an Historical perspective
The Tribochemistry Forum has been formerly held by the Tribochemistry Technical Committee, Japanese Society of Tribologists (JAST) as a satellite Forum of the International Tribology Conference in Japan (ITC) and/or the World Tribology Congress (WTC) in Japan in order to deepen the science and technology of Tribochemistry through presentations and discussions in the light of the latest findings.
The Forums were held successively in
- Tokyo in 1995 satellite of ITC in Yokohama
- Tsukuba in 2000 satellite of ITC in Nagasaki
- Nara in 2005 satellite of ITC in Kobe
- Kyoto in 2009 satellite of WTC IV in Kyoto
- Hagi in 2011 satellite of ITC in Hiroshima.
The sixth Tribochemistry Forum will be held from 4th to 6th September 2013 in Villeurbanne, near Lyon (France), as a satellite forum of WTC-V in Torino (Italy). It will be held as a joined conference with the 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology under the auspices of the first Tribo-Lyon Conference. Many important aspects of tribochemistry will be presented and discussed, such as tribo-physics, surface analysis, tribo-corrosion tribology. In 2013, a special attention will be paid to advanced in situ techniques and computer simulations. Important fields of tribology are concerned: boundary and EHL lubrication regimes, dry and vacuum tribology, nanolubricants, coatings, ionic liquids, superlubricity and so on. We are grateful if the Forum can stimulate, emulate and initiate further developments through discussions of the most recent results.
The international advisory board of the 6th Tribochemistry Forum can be seen here.
Jean-Michel MARTIN Chair
Maria-Isabel DE BARROS-BOUCHET Vice-Chair